Brady's Song

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This is the story of how Carl Barrett (Brady's second cousin)  wrote this song.  He and Brady 

had never met.  Truly this song is from the Lord.

For twenty years the Lord has blessed me in the area of writing poems and

lyrics.   For many years I wrote only for friends and family. It was basically

a hobby until 1985 when several friends convinced me that my lyrics should be looked at professionally.

Through the local university music departments I found several groups that

were interested in my work. At times I really felt there was a career for me

in this line of work. When I got promoted on my job in 1987 and moved my family to Albuquerque everything came to a halt!

Even after moving to Albuquerque I still felt deep inside that the Lord was

leading me to do something with this talent he had blessed me with. For six

years, while in Albuquerque, nothing happened.

I was promoted again in 1993 to Denver, Colorado. It was not until 1995  I

met a local DJ for a Christian radio station in Denver. Once a week we would

meet and fellowship together. Something urged me to show him some of my

work. It was then I thought my writing skills were going to lead to

something spectacular. Through it all I wanted the Lord's name to be

glorified. For without him this God-gifted talent would have never existed.

This DJ hooked me up with some local Christian artists. They reviewed my

work and really thought they could go somewhere with it. It was then when I

met a local artist named Don Kalkhorst. We became friends immediately. We

have nicknames for each other, mine is Bucket Head and his is THE ONE AND ONLY BUCKET HEAD!

After giving Don some of my lyrics it never got to the point where a song

was recorded and produced in the studio. I really thought this was my time,

but you never know when the Lord is going to use you as an instrument in

other lives to help them in their walk with him!

After meeting Don I was also introduced to a local producer named Brian

Ehrhardt. Brian is legally blind, but he's one of the best there is in the

music industry. After talking to Brian, he asked me if I could sing and I

said "ARE YOU CRAZY"! He told me that if I could come up with my own music

and record it on a tape he would put the instruments with the song. I

thought this was great because on many occasions I could think of different

tunes in my head. I just knew for sure the three of us had made acquaintances for a reason.

In 1997 we moved back to Albuquerque and once again there was the dry spell.

I had as many as ten lyrics written, but going nowhere! It was 1999,

fourteen years after my first encounter with what I still believe today is

the Lord leading me to touch others with this talent he's blessed me with!

When I heard about Brady's death something inside told me to cancel my trip

to Phoenix and go to his funeral. At that time I did not know what it was.  I

just happened to have a free round trip airfare, was able to move my

appointment to the following Monday and made all of my arrangements within

minutes! I know the Lord made everything possible for me to make this trip.

After the funeral I was driving back to Houston (for an early morning

flight) and deep inside I knew the Lord was telling me to write a song for

Brady. Just maybe, with his help, this song could inspire other parents and

touch the hearts of lost teenagers throughout this land.

That next morning I was waiting for our plane to board and I was able to

write down the first stanza of the song. From Houston to Dallas and Dallas

to Albuquerque the song was done. It was my first complete song (lyrics and

music). I was excited, so I recorded it on a tape, as Brian had told me

earlier. I called Don and explained the situation to him. He asked me to send it to him.

He got the tape and told me they could work with it. Just a week and a half

before our holiday vacation, Don called me up and said, what do you want me

to do with this tape? I said, are you through? Don replied, recorded and

all! He played it for me and I could not believe what I was hearing. With

some minor adjustments from Don and Brian coordinating the music (with Don)

the song turned out unbelievable! In less than three weeks it was written, recorded and produced.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord's hand was on this from the

beginning of my relationship with Brian and Don in Denver. What's his plans are

with this song from here, only he knows! I give him the glory, honor and

praise for all he's done so far with it.

We've received compliments from many on the song so far. I just pray that it will make a difference in other lives, such as it has for me!
